Be Bold and Break the Mold

Break the mold

It is always ideal if you can hit a home run when giving a gift. Sure, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, and other special occasions warrant the best gift selection you can make, but why limit yourself?

You don’t need special occasions or holidays to say I love you.

Giving a gift is one thing, but an unexpected present is an even bigger tribute. Not only will the focus of your affection be surprised by your presentation, but your chosen will be enthralled with the care and attention that your thoughtfulness provides. And all because you did something unexpected for no apparent reason other than your affection.  Be bold, break the mold with our special gifts. 

Create Your Own Special Day

Even though your gift is out of the blue because it’s not tied to a calendar holiday or the typical anniversaries, you can still link it to a particular day or time in the history of your relationship. If you think about it, you are likely to come up with quite a few options, including:

  • Your First Date
  • A Memorable Getaway
  • A Milestone in the Relationship
  • An Epic Road Trip
  • Your First Home

These examples represent the limitless possibilities you can use to create that special day for a special someone to deliver that perfect recognition of their importance in your life.

What Should You Do?

Once you determine the reason for your offering, you must find the ideal item to express your care and affection appropriately. What will you give?

Since this is an unforeseen gift on a day seemingly like any other, the usual suspects, a box of chocolates, cut flowers, or socks, will not suffice. You want to look for something exceptional out of left field that they would never expect.

That perspective indeed rules out everything that might initially pop into your head. But when you take a moment to think outside the box and consider what they might be excited to unwrap, the ideas will come.

A new Maserati certainly would fit that description, as would a private island or custom yacht. But you are talking serious cash here that is likely far beyond your means (NO KIDDING!).

Love Picker to the Rescue

What could be more unanticipated than a 24-karat Gold Dipped Rose? Finding a genuinely remarkable and serendipitous keepsake is easy at Love Picker. Making your choice, however, takes work.

Whether you’re looking for a gift to give him or one for her, we have you covered with selections ranging from our 24-karat Gold Golf Ball & Tee, the 7 Inch 24-karat Gold Dipped Natural Rose, or a full dozen 11 ½ inch 24-karat Gold Dipped Roses and many more.

That special someone will be stunned at the sight of these gorgeous 24-karat gold mementos. Break the mold of ordinary gifts, try our unique gifts today. 

Your gift will last forever to remind them of your devotion throughout the years to come.

The holidays are nearly here, so now’s the time for that unanticipated statement of your love and affection.
It’s time to shop!



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