Celebrities Love Golden Roses


Celebrities Love Golden Roses

Golden roses are iconic, elegant and classy. It’s no wonder that the rich and famous decorate themselves in them and name events after them. From fashion to decor; celebrities love golden roses. They combine the timeless, luster of gold and the perfect, charming, romance of a rose.

Jennifer Lopez’s Golden Rose Top

J.Lo dropped jaws and made headlines with a top that was as iconic as her green plunging neckline dress of the late 90’s. Jennifer Lopez donned a bra covered in vines of golden roses with a matching golden blazer and pants for the after party for the premiere of her film, This is me…Now; a Love Story.

J.Lo rocked this look with her stunning abs and timeless beauty. She’s a classic, in her 50’s glowing like a fresh rose, hand-dipped in 24 karat gold. She made a statement with this luminescent top, that her beauty and love for herself is lasting. The message of her film is clear, she’s decorated herself in golden roses; a gift traditionally given romantically or to a loved one. Jennifer’s self-love is evident and gorgeous.

Former Bachelor Contestant Honored With Golden Rose

Erica Rose, a former fan-favorite, contestant on the hit show, The Bachelor, used her name and fame to create a foundation called the Holly Rose Foundation to help uninsured cancer patients in their teens with costs of treatment and care. She was featured on the Katie Couric Show with other former contestants and won the Golden Rose award for being the most outrageous Bachelor Contestant.

Bollywood Lux Golden Rose Awards

In 2018, Bollywood changed the name of it’s extravagant awards ceremony to Lux Golden Rose Awards. Bollywood is Hindi cinema, mainly based in Mumbai. It is characterized by bright colors and youthful dancers in elaborate formations with captivating storylines that are often romantic.

Bollywood actually predates Hollywood and is steeped in tradition with the ability to still be relevant and beautiful. It’s no wonder that an Awards ceremony honoring Bollywood celebrities would be named after the golden rose. They are both vibrant and timeless.

Betty White, the Golden Rose

Betty White was an iconic actress who had an elegant charm. She brought joy to millions. She was a gorgeous young, actress and a beautiful, older actress. Her best, known role was the character, Rose, in the 1980’s sitcom, The Golden Girls.

Since her recent death, Betty White has been referred to as the Golden Rose. She was a sweet, delicate and well-mannered woman with surprisingly dark humor (thorns if you will) that would make us all laugh.

The Rose d’Or (Golden Rose)

Since 1961, there has been an international awards ceremony called the Golden Rose ceremony honoring entertainment actors. The awards are for television shows such as comedies and sitcoms.

Some popular, American-known television shows that have been honored at the Golden Roses are Deal or No Deal, The Muppets and The Apprentice. Beloved comedian and well-known actor, Ricky Gervais also received an honorary Rose in 2006.

Sister Love, Gigi Hadid

Famous model sisters Gigi and Bella Hadid hardly need any adornment to be beautiful. But when it came time for her beloved sister’s birthday, Gigi Hadid gave her sister, Bella, golden roses. These women are known for their elaborate floral ensembles and stunning features. This is proof that golden roses are a perfect gift for the person who has everything.


Golden Roses; a Statement

It’s clear why the golden rose is such an epic statement piece. So many celebrities use the golden rose for adornment, gifts and as a symbol of status and class. You don’t have to be a celebrity to enjoy a 24 karat, hand-dipped, golden rose. Class up any space or show someone how much you care by getting on the golden rose band wagon.



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